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If your New York Times subscription is delivered by an independent provider, and you need assistance obtaining your account number, call your provider directly. The estimated total pay for a Journalist at New York Times is $80,278 per year. Vacation Stop – Delivery will stop while on vacation, no credit or extension is applied to the account. Search - A user will be able to search the site for various content and see the results of that search. However, clicking on an article, blog, or column will only display a preview of that content.

If you are not registered, click the "Register" link at the top right of the header above the navigation. After you register, you will get information about the available newsletters and be asked to sign up for your choices. If you are already a registered user, click on the "My Profile" link and either sign up for newsletters or change your previous selections. Newsletters - A list of available newsletters and email news alerts appears with a check mark in any newsletter you are currently signed up for. Simply check or uncheck the boxes to change your newsletter choices, then click "Save."
Our code of conduct for sharing Please read our Terms of Service for our full Code of Conduct for sharing on the site. Please make sure the comment you are posting complies with our terms. Inappropriate posts may be removed by the moderator. You will get a message that says you are almost done. A link has been sent to your email account, and you must click on that link to activate your account.

If you want to manage your Newsday print edition account, you must be a registered member of You can submit a report along with photos and videos in the Newsday app while on the go. The iSend feature can be found by swiping left in the carousel under the Newsday logo in the smartphone app.
How do I stop newspaper delivery while on vacation?
NYT has got you covered and is worth a shot as it’s much cheaper than the other news sources or news websites that cover global issues. is best viewed with the latest version of Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari. It can also be viewed in Internet Explorer 9 or later.
You can purchase a gift subscription at You will only be able to give someone a subscription they do not already have. Call your newspaper company one week before you leave, to give the company ample time to notify your carrier. The phone number will be in your phone book, on your bill, or in the newspaper. We invite you to use our commenting platform to engage in insightful conversations about issues in our community. We might permanently block any user who abuses these conditions.
How do you stop your home delivery Newsday temporarily?
If they offer no such automated choice, speak to a customer service person in the circulation department, and he or she can get it done for you easily. To sign up for newsletters, check the boxes beside the newsletters you want, hit "Submit" and you're done! For detailed information on available text alerts and newsletters, click here.

On the tablet app, simply press the More button in the lower right corner to find iSend in the list. If you want to register multiple email addresses on your account, please repeat the registration steps with each new email address. Note that anyone logged in with your subscription information will have access to Manage My Newsday and can view and change your home delivery information.
News department
If you want to register multiple email addresses on your account, please repeat the registration steps for each new email address. Once logged in, click the icon showing your initials located at the top right. After the side bar menu appears, click on “manage my subscription”.
Why don't I stay logged in every time I visit If you don't log out of before you close your browser, you will have full access on your next visit. If you access from a different computer, you will need your email and password for a one-time log in. You can access our complete list of contact numbers at Contact Us. For a listing of every section on, please visit our Site Map.
At the bottom of the form you will notice a "Remember me on this computer" box. You should check this box if you don't want to be required to log in every time you visit from that computer. When you've finished filling in the form, click the "Register" button. You can temporarily suspend your newspaper delivery, or have the paper move with you to your new address.

Double-click the thumbnail of the video you want to play and it will begin in the player. The tools to control the player show upon mousing over the player. You can view our HD-quality video in full screen mode by clicking on the icon at the bottom right of the player. To close the video overlay, click the X in the right-hand corner or click again on the top videos tab.
The best way to stop recurring payments on a credit card, like utilities, subscription services or rent, is to contact the service provider directly. You may be able to do that online, by phone, in person or by mail, depending on the service. When you share a bonus subscription with a friend or family member, they can access The New York Times with their own login information. Newsday, the Long Island newspaper, said it was raising the price of its Sunday edition from 65 to 75 cents, effective today.

You can also access video through the video button on the top horizontal navigation located on every page header. You should begin receiving newsletters as soon as they are published. Some newsletters are delivered daily and others weekly. Here is a link for newsletters to see all of our newsletter choices, along with their delivery days. Generally, you call the newspaper and ask for "circulation" or "home delivery," the department that is responsible for delivering your newspaper. Chances are, among the choices you will be given before you are connected to a live human is a choice for asking for a vacation stop-delivery.
If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, your experience will be less than optimal. Protecting your privacy is very important to Newsday. We take seriously the collection of any personally identifiable information and personal information from our visitors. For more information on the measures we take to safeguard your information, please review our Privacy Policy. A link has been sent to your email account, and you must click on that link to activate your account.
There are blue question marks (?) beside the registration fields that explain the information required. If you enter incorrect information you will be alerted with a red error message that explains the correct parameters for the entry. To register for, click the "Register" button at the top right corner of any page or type /register into your browser. Classifieds, community affairs programs, service areas such as FAQs, and content such as obituaries and weather is be open to all users.
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